CRICALOT high repetition task trainer for cricothyrotomy.

“Education by design”



Each kit includes both male and female models, incorporating key anatomic landmarks—thyroid, cricoid and hyoid, and a replaceable soft durometer trachea. Unique, realistic but inexpensive 3 layer “skin” analogue—can be used with fake blood or dry. Kit comes with blowmolded zippered carrying case. Soft durometer trachea has tracheal rings palpable externally and internally.


Models include laterally mobile larynx and an integrated sternum. Stabilization of the larynx with non-dominant hand and stabilization of the cutting hand with scalpel on the sternum are essential aspects of proper procedural performance. Three layered “skin” analogue allows a step-wise approach of a vertical incision initially, followed by verification of the cricothyroid membrane (CTM), then a horizontal “pop” through incision into the CTM. Model has anatomically accurate thyroid-cricoid overlap. Tracheal length ~11cm—anatomically accurate—let’s operators see the effect of over-insertion of a tube. Placement of incision and tube between the hyoid and thyroid demonstrates tube location in the esophagus.


The only task trainer for cricothyrotomy made in male and female forms.